August 17, 2013

Concentration - Story 10

  I was determined to write a story today and after 5 hours of brain-racking and sweating like a dog I finally produced my first (which I feel) should-be-a-novel story. Just read on and believe me you will be caught up......
  Feedback is welcome.
 Stun Darts
  Derek and Will got down from the public bus hesitantly. Their foster parents had kicked them out realizing that there was no use of these two brothers they had sheltered. But they had no idea of the place they has unknowingly stepped into. The smell of rotten fish and vegetable filled their nose and they were forced to travel along the tide of daily shoppers who came here to buy fresh foodstuff. And they found it too but without the adjective fresh before it.
  The CCTV which had been put across through the city tracked their every move. Even their swatting of a fly was carefully recorded on a hard disk with a capacity to last their entire lives. The people who were sitting behind the desks watching them however didn’t look as if they were going to last till Derek and Will’s death. They were pale and their skin dry and chapped due to the constant air-conditioning. They have been monitoring the boys for seven years.
  Yes, seven years. For seven years, these hairless and emotionless people had been employed to keep watch over these boys. Rarely, they asked for any food or drink. To one single room, more than 400 CCTVs were connected. They were constantly monitored by 80 people. There were four parts of the city – namely, North, South, East and West. And basically 4 groups – with 20 in each. The boys who had abruptly shifted from North to West had again brought a row of sighs from them. A rare sight was seen from these agents – grief.
  The last group of these agents codenamed “Vortex Dragon” was taken to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and shot down. The reason was that they were tired and decided to take a ten minutes’ rest. It turned out that as these agents were monitoring the boys, so were they being monitored by a higher group of people. Usual. But the current group of agents codenamed “Alpine Wolf” were tougher and had much more endurance. Downtime of 1 minute in approximate 525960 minutes. That’s it.
  The members of “Alpine Wolf” were taken to a training facility for elite agents in Iraq. For 1 year, they were on starvation rations –5 litres of water in a day, hard bread thrice a day and chicken stew occasionally. Every day wasn’t the same however. Monday was endurance test, Tuesday was strength test, Wednesday was skill test and so on. All in all, there was absolutely no rest.

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