September 23, 2012

Dear Homework - Story 2

It was 20th September. Current time–9:05 PM. I checked my to-do list –
  • Bengali - nearly 12 pages of homework
  • Maths - Ratio - 10 sums
  • ISA Project Letter

I calculated the time which will be taken by each and came to the conclusion that it will be 12 o’clock by the time I finish everything. I was absolutely taken aback by the idea of even trying. Finally, I convinced myself that “I can do it” (doesn’t work too effectively though).  I worked like workaholic and wrote really fast but my handwriting was nothing – just merely legible scribbles. By the time it was 9, my whole body was joggling with the continuous movement of my hand. I realized I shouldn’t have been shirking my duties. I thought of the way I could escape doing all. But my brain clearly answered, “None”. So, there was I lost to the world; working as a loner with no means to escape. I finally broke my train of reverie with a jerk and again started to work. I finally had my dinner at 11 and went to work again. I reviled my brain for making me such a shirker. At 11:50, I somehow finished all my homework except Maths. But, by then I was so sleepy, I already felt like hallucinating. Before I went to sleep I just prayed to God that the Maths teacher was absent tomorrow. So, let’s see if God listens to the prayers of a small, gullible (ok, maybe not) child.

N.B. You will not realize the amount of work till the eleventh hour.

September 11, 2012

Alas! The Charts - Story 1

The day starts with a bang. I enter the class with a lot of enthusiasm but no sooner my face becomes a scowl (a really big one). I sadly looked at the torn charts. It was the 3rd time we made those charts and somebody happily comes and destroys it all in some minutes. 1 weeks' effort destroyed in minutes. I was completely hopeless. Why does that heck of a person come every time and destroy all our efforts. We are back to square one, what's the use of making it (afterall we can't do it for eternity)?
It was also our class teacher's birthday today. I wondered if she would like the birthday gift presented by some anonymous Mr. Who.

"Happy Birthday, Madhumita Ma'am", we wished but was it a happy moment. Our whole class was in gloom except some faces which expertly hid their gloominess. "Nice present", I thought. I went up to Rounak and asked him about his comments on this incident. But then he was bent on studying our classmates' body language. We had our conversation in installments and after the end of each session he remembered about his mother's book on body language. I went about the desks and as I reached for my place, my face went completely blank - somebody had written on my bag, ' I' m an IDIOT '. Again I was hopeless. I finally headed for the dining hall for breakfast with a completely blank mind.

Walking for a nearly 200m and then climbing 4 flights of stairs I approached my class with extreme exhaustion. Then, the consequences of the theft and attack started to show up. We went through repeated enquiries of various teachers and by the time it was lunch, my throat was sore. And I seemed if I was dead meat. I just hoped that all this stops soon and the damn thief (and vandal, after-all he stole and also destroyed property) is caught. So, I am still waiting for it..............

N.B. Its hopelessness which gives me more hope.